
data class Offering @JvmOverloads constructor(val identifier: String, val serverDescription: String, val metadata: Map<String, Any>, val availablePackages: List<Package>, val paywall: PaywallData? = null)

An offering is a collection of Package available for the user to purchase. For more info see


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constructor(identifier: String, serverDescription: String, metadata: Map<String, Any>, availablePackages: List<Package>, paywall: PaywallData? = null)


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operator fun get(s: String): Package

Retrieves a specific package by identifier, use this to access custom package types configured in the RevenueCat dashboard. Equivalent to calling getPackage.

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fun getMetadataString(key: String, default: String): String

Returns the metadata value associated to key for the expected String type or default if not found, or it's not the expected String type.

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fun getPackage(identifier: String): Package

Retrieves a specific package by identifier, use this to access custom package types configured in the RevenueCat dashboard


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Annual package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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Array of Package objects available for purchase.

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Unique identifier defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

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Lifetime package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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Offering metadata defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

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Monthly package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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val paywall: PaywallData? = null
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Offering description defined in RevenueCat dashboard.

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Six month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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Three month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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Two month package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.

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Weekly package type configured in the RevenueCat dashboard, if available.