Represents the data required to display a paywall using the RevenueCatUI
library. This data can be created and configured in the dashboard and then accessed from the Offering/paywall
See also
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constructor(templateName: String, config: PaywallData.Configuration, assetBaseURL: URL, revision: Int = 0, localization: Map<String, PaywallData.LocalizedConfiguration>, localizationByTier: Map<String, Map<String, PaywallData.LocalizedConfiguration>> = emptyMap(), zeroDecimalPlaceCountries: List<String> = emptyList(), defaultLocale: String? = null)
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Generic configuration for any paywall.
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Defines the necessary localized information for a paywall.
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The base remote URL where assets for this paywall are stored.
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Generic configuration for any paywall.
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The default locale to be used on a paywall if the preferred languages aren't found.
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Returns the Locale and LocalizedConfiguration to be used based on the current locale list and the available locales for this paywall.
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The type of template used to display this paywall.
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