Package com.revenuecat.purchases


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enum BillingFeature : Enum<BillingFeature>

Enum mapping billing feature types Allows for a common interface when calling feature eligibility methods from hybrid SDKs

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data class CustomerInfo(    val entitlements: EntitlementInfos,     purchasedNonSubscriptionSkus: Set<String>,     val allExpirationDatesByProduct: Map<String, Date?>,     val allPurchaseDatesByProduct: Map<String, Date?>,     val requestDate: Date,     jsonObject: JSONObject,     val schemaVersion: Int,     val firstSeen: Date,     val originalAppUserId: String,     val managementURL: Uri?,     val originalPurchaseDate: Date?) : Parcelable, RawDataContainer<JSONObject>

Class containing all information regarding the purchaser

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data class DangerousSettings(val autoSyncPurchases: Boolean = true)

Only use a Dangerous Setting if suggested by RevenueCat support team.

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data class EntitlementInfo(    val identifier: String,     val isActive: Boolean,     val willRenew: Boolean,     val periodType: PeriodType,     val latestPurchaseDate: Date,     val originalPurchaseDate: Date,     val expirationDate: Date?,     val store: Store,     val productIdentifier: String,     val isSandbox: Boolean,     val unsubscribeDetectedAt: Date?,     val billingIssueDetectedAt: Date?,     val ownershipType: OwnershipType,     jsonObject: JSONObject) : Parcelable, RawDataContainer<JSONObject>

This object gives you access to all of the information about the status of a user's entitlements.

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class EntitlementInfos(val all: Map<String, EntitlementInfo>) : Parcelable

This class contains all the entitlements associated to the user.

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interface LogHandler

Interface that allows handling logs manually. See also Purchases.logHandler

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data class Offering(    val identifier: String,     val serverDescription: String,     val availablePackages: List<Package>) : Parcelable

An offering is a collection of Package available for the user to purchase. For more info see

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data class Offerings(val current: Offering?, val all: Map<String, Offering>) : Parcelable

This class contains all the offerings configured in RevenueCat dashboard. For more info see

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enum OwnershipType : Enum<OwnershipType>

Enum of supported ownership types for an entitlement.

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data class Package(    val identifier: String,     val packageType: PackageType,     val product: StoreProduct,     val offering: String) : Parcelable

Contains information about the product available for the user to purchase. For more info see

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enum PackageType : Enum<PackageType>

Enumeration of all possible Package types.

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enum PeriodType : Enum<PeriodType>

Enum of supported period types for an entitlement.

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enum ProductType : Enum<ProductType>
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class PurchasesError(val code: PurchasesErrorCode, val underlyingErrorMessage: String? = null)

This class represents an error

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typealias PurchasesErrorCallback = (PurchasesError) -> Unit
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enum PurchasesErrorCode : Enum<PurchasesErrorCode>
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enum Store : Enum<Store>

Enum of supported stores