
enum PurchasesErrorCode : Enum<PurchasesErrorCode>


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CustomerInfoError(28, "There was a problem related to the customer info.")
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EmptySubscriberAttributesError(25, "A request for subscriber attributes returned none.")
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UnsupportedError(24, "There was a problem with the operation. Looks like we doesn't support " + "that yet. Check the underlying error for more details.")
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ConfigurationError(23, "There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details.")
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LogOutWithAnonymousUserError(22, "Called logOut but the current user is anonymous.")
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InvalidSubscriberAttributesError(21, "One or more of the attributes sent could not be saved.")
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PaymentPendingError(20, "The payment is pending.")
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InsufficientPermissionsError(19, "App does not have sufficient permissions to make purchases.")
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IneligibleError(18, "The User is ineligible for that action.")
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InvalidAppleSubscriptionKeyError(17, "Apple Subscription Key is invalid or not present. " + "In order to provide subscription offers, you must first generate a subscription key. " + "Please see https://docs.revenuecat.com/docs/ios-subscription-offers for more info.")
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UnknownBackendError(16, "There was an unknown backend error.")
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OperationAlreadyInProgressError(15, "The operation is already in progress.")
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InvalidAppUserIdError(14, "The app user id is not valid.")
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UnexpectedBackendResponseError(12, "Received malformed response from the backend.")
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InvalidCredentialsError(11, "There was a credentials issue. Check the underlying error for more details.")
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NetworkError(10, "Error performing request.")
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MissingReceiptFileError(9, "The receipt is missing.")
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InvalidReceiptError(8, "The receipt is not valid.")
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ReceiptAlreadyInUseError(7, "There is already another active subscriber using the same receipt.")
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ProductAlreadyPurchasedError(6, "This product is already active for the user.")
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ProductNotAvailableForPurchaseError(5, "The product is not available for purchase.")
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PurchaseInvalidError(4, "One or more of the arguments provided are invalid.")
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PurchaseNotAllowedError(3, "The device or user is not allowed to make the purchase.")
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StoreProblemError(2, "There was a problem with the store.")
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PurchaseCancelledError(1, "Purchase was cancelled.")
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UnknownError(0, "Unknown error.")


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val code: Int
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val description: String
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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int


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