object Companion
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fun canMakePayments(context: Context, features: List<BillingFeature> = listOf(), callback: Callback<Boolean>)
Note: This method only works for the Google Play Store. There is no Amazon equivalent at this time. Calling from an Amazon-configured app will return true.
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Configures an instance of the Purchases SDK with a specified API key. The instance will be set as a singleton. You should access the singleton instance using Purchases.sharedInstance
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Current version of the Purchases SDK
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True if configure has been called and Purchases.sharedInstance is set
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Set a custom log handler for redirecting logs to your own logging system. Defaults to android.util.Log.
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DO NOT MODIFY. This is used internally by the Hybrid SDKs to indicate which platform is being used
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Singleton instance of Purchases. configure will set this