
data class GoogleFont(val fontName: String, val fontProvider: GoogleFontProvider, val fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, val fontStyle: Int = FontStyle.Normal.value) : PaywallFont

Represents a downloadable Google Font.


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constructor(fontName: String, fontProvider: GoogleFontProvider, fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontStyle: Int = FontStyle.Normal.value)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Name of the Google font you want to use.

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Provider of the Google font.

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The style of the font, normal or italic. The system uses this to match a font to a font request. We use int instead of FontStyle because FontStyle is not compatible with Java.

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The weight of the font. The system uses this to match a font to a font request.