
data class EntitlementInfo(val identifier: String, val isActive: Boolean, val willRenew: Boolean, val periodType: PeriodType, val latestPurchaseDate: Date, val originalPurchaseDate: Date, val expirationDate: Date?, val store: Store, val productIdentifier: String, val productPlanIdentifier: String?, val isSandbox: Boolean, val unsubscribeDetectedAt: Date?, val billingIssueDetectedAt: Date?, val ownershipType: OwnershipType, jsonObject: JSONObject, val verification: VerificationResult = VerificationResult.NOT_REQUESTED) : Parcelable, RawDataContainer<JSONObject>

This object gives you access to all of the information about the status of a user's entitlements.


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constructor(identifier: String, isActive: Boolean, willRenew: Boolean, periodType: PeriodType, latestPurchaseDate: Date, originalPurchaseDate: Date, expirationDate: Date?, store: Store, productIdentifier: String, productPlanIdentifier: String?, isSandbox: Boolean, unsubscribeDetectedAt: Date?, billingIssueDetectedAt: Date?, ownershipType: OwnershipType, jsonObject: JSONObject, verification: VerificationResult = VerificationResult.NOT_REQUESTED)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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The date a billing issue was detected. Can be null if there is no billing issue or an issue has been resolved. Note: Entitlement may still be active even if there is a billing issue. Check the isActive property.

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The expiration date for the entitlement, can be null for lifetime access. If the periodType is TRIAL, this is the trial expiration date.

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The entitlement identifier configured in the RevenueCat dashboard.

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True if the user has access to this entitlement.

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False if this entitlement is unlocked via a production purchase.

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The latest purchase or renewal date for the entitlement.

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The first date this entitlement was purchased.

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The last period type this entitlement was in Either: NORMAL, INTRO or TRIAL.

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The product identifier that unlocked this entitlement. For Google subscriptions, this is the subscription ID. For Amazon subscriptions, this is the termSku. For INAPP purchases, this is simply the productId.

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The base plan identifier that unlocked this entitlement (Google only).

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open override val rawData: JSONObject

The underlying data.

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The store where this entitlement was unlocked from. Either: APP_STORE, MAC_APP_STORE, PLAY_STORE, STRIPE, PROMOTIONAL or UNKNOWN_STORE.

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The date an unsubscribe was detected. Can be null. Note: Entitlement may still be active even if user has unsubscribed. Check the isActive property.

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If entitlement verification was enabled, the result of that verification. If not, VerificationResult.NOT_REQUESTED

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True if the underlying subscription is set to renew at the end of the billing period (expirationDate). Will always be True if entitlement is for lifetime access.