
data class StoreTransaction(val orderId: String?, val productIds: List<String>, val type: ProductType, val purchaseTime: Long, val purchaseToken: String, val purchaseState: PurchaseState, val isAutoRenewing: Boolean?, val signature: String?, val originalJson: JSONObject, val presentedOfferingContext: PresentedOfferingContext?, val storeUserID: String?, val purchaseType: PurchaseType, val marketplace: String?, val subscriptionOptionId: String?, val replacementMode: ReplacementMode?) : Parcelable

Represents an in-app billing purchase.


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constructor(orderId: String?, productIds: List<String>, type: ProductType, purchaseTime: Long, purchaseToken: String, purchaseState: PurchaseState, isAutoRenewing: Boolean?, signature: String?, originalJson: JSONObject, presentedOfferingContext: PresentedOfferingContext?, storeUserID: String?, purchaseType: PurchaseType, marketplace: String?, subscriptionOptionId: String?, replacementMode: ReplacementMode?)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Whether the subscription renews automatically.

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Amazon's marketplace. Null for Google

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Unique Google order identifier for the purchased transaction.

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Returns a JSONObject format that contains details about the purchase.

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Context of the offering that was presented when making the purchase.

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Product IDs purchased.

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State of the purchase.

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Time the product was purchased, in milliseconds since the epoch.

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Token that uniquely identifies a purchase.

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One of PurchaseType indicating the type of purchase.

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The replacementMode used to perform the upgrade/downgrade of this purchase. Null if it was not an upgrade/downgrade or if the purchase was restored. This is not available for Amazon purchases.

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String containing the signature of the Google purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. Always null for Amazon.

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Amazon's store user id. Null for Google

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The id of the SubscriptionOption purchased. In Google, this will be calculated from the basePlanId and offerId Null for restored transactions and purchases initiated outside of the app.

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Type of the product associated with the purchase.