
data class PricingPhase(val billingPeriod: Period, val recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode, val billingCycleCount: Int?, val price: Price) : Parcelable

Encapsulates how a user pays for a subscription at a given point in time.


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constructor(billingPeriod: Period, recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode, billingCycleCount: Int?, price: Price)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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fun pricePerMonth(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): Price

Gives the price of the PricingPhase in the given locale in a monthly recurrence. This means that for example, if the period is annual, the price will be divided by 12. It uses a currency formatter to format the price in the given locale. Note that this value may be an approximation.

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fun pricePerWeek(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): Price

Gives the price of the PricingPhase in the given locale in a weekly recurrence. This means that for example, if the period is monthly, the price will be divided by 4. It uses a currency formatter to format the price in the given locale. Note that this value may be an approximation.

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fun pricePerYear(locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault()): Price

Gives the price of the PricingPhase in the given locale in a yearly recurrence. This means that for example, if the period is monthly, the price will be multiplied by 12. It uses a currency formatter to format the price in the given locale. Note that this value may be an approximation.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Number of cycles for which the pricing phase applies. Null for INFINITE_RECURRING or NON_RECURRING recurrence modes.

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Billing period for which the PricingPhase applies.

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Indicates how the pricing phase is charged for FINITE_RECURRING pricing phases

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