
data class Configuration(val packageIds: List<String>, val defaultPackage: String? = null, imagesWebp: PaywallData.Configuration.Images? = null, legacyImages: PaywallData.Configuration.Images? = null, val blurredBackgroundImage: Boolean = false, val displayRestorePurchases: Boolean = true, val termsOfServiceURL: URL? = null, val privacyURL: URL? = null, val colors: PaywallData.Configuration.ColorInformation)

Generic configuration for any paywall.


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constructor(packageIds: List<String>, defaultPackage: String? = null, images: PaywallData.Configuration.Images, colors: PaywallData.Configuration.ColorInformation, blurredBackgroundImage: Boolean = false, displayRestorePurchases: Boolean = true, termsOfServiceURL: URL? = null, privacyURL: URL? = null)
constructor(packageIds: List<String>, defaultPackage: String? = null, imagesWebp: PaywallData.Configuration.Images? = null, legacyImages: PaywallData.Configuration.Images? = null, blurredBackgroundImage: Boolean = false, displayRestorePurchases: Boolean = true, termsOfServiceURL: URL? = null, privacyURL: URL? = null, colors: PaywallData.Configuration.ColorInformation)


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data class ColorInformation(val light: PaywallData.Configuration.Colors, val dark: PaywallData.Configuration.Colors? = null)
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data class Colors(val background: PaywallColor, val text1: PaywallColor, val text2: PaywallColor? = null, val text3: PaywallColor? = null, val callToActionBackground: PaywallColor, val callToActionForeground: PaywallColor, val callToActionSecondaryBackground: PaywallColor? = null, val accent1: PaywallColor? = null, val accent2: PaywallColor? = null, val accent3: PaywallColor? = null, val closeButton: PaywallColor? = null)
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data class Images(val header: String? = null, val background: String? = null, val icon: String? = null)


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Whether the background image will be blurred (in templates with one).

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val defaultPackage: String? = null

The package to be selected by default.

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Whether a restore purchases button should be displayed.

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The images for this template.

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The list of package identifiers this paywall will display.

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@Serializable(with = OptionalURLSerializer::class)
val privacyURL: URL? = null

If set, the paywall will display a privacy policy link.

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@Serializable(with = OptionalURLSerializer::class)
val termsOfServiceURL: URL? = null

If set, the paywall will display a terms of service link.