
data class GoogleStoreProduct(val productId: String, val basePlanId: String?, val type: ProductType, val price: Price, val title: String, val description: String, val period: Period?, val subscriptionOptions: SubscriptionOptions?, val defaultOption: SubscriptionOption?, val productDetails: ProductDetails, val presentedOfferingIdentifier: String? = null) : StoreProduct


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constructor(productId: String, basePlanId: String?, type: ProductType, price: Price, title: String, description: String, period: Period?, subscriptionOptions: SubscriptionOptions?, defaultOption: SubscriptionOption?, productDetails: ProductDetails, presentedOfferingIdentifier: String? = null)


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open override fun copyWithOfferingId(offeringId: String): StoreProduct

For internal RevenueCat use.


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StoreProduct object containing Amazon-specific fields: originalProductJson freeTrialPeriod iconUrl

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The basePlanId for subscription products. Null for INAPP.

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open override val defaultOption: SubscriptionOption?

The default SubscriptionOption that will be used when purchasing and not specifying a different option. Null for INAPP products.

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open override val description: String

The description of the product.

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StoreProduct object containing Google-specific fields: productId basePlanId productDetails

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open override val id: String

The product ID. INAPP: "" Sub: "productId:basePlanID"

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open override val period: Period?

Subscription period. Null for INAPP products.

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open override val presentedOfferingIdentifier: String? = null

The offering ID this GoogleStoreProduct was returned from.

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open override val price: Price

Price information for a non-subscription product. Base plan price for a subscription. Use SubscriptionOption's pricing phases for offer pricing.

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val productDetails: ProductDetails

The ProductDetails object returned from BillingClient that was used to construct this product.

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The productId. For subscriptions, this is the high-level productId set up for a subscription in the Play Console, unique to an entitlement.

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open override val purchasingData: PurchasingData

Contains only data that is required to make the purchase.

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Contains all SubscriptionOptions. Null for INAPP products.

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open override val title: String

Title of the product.

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open override val type: ProductType

Type of product. One of ProductType.