Package com.revenuecat.purchases.models


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class ProductDetails(sku: String, type: ProductType, price: String, priceAmountMicros: Long, priceCurrencyCode: String, originalPrice: String?, originalPriceAmountMicros: Long, title: String, description: String, subscriptionPeriod: String?, freeTrialPeriod: String?, introductoryPrice: String?, introductoryPriceAmountMicros: Long, introductoryPricePeriod: String?, introductoryPriceCycles: Int, iconUrl: String, originalJson: JSONObject) : Parcelable

Represents an in-app product's or subscription's listing details.

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data class PurchaseDetails(orderId: String?, skus: List<String>, type: ProductType, purchaseTime: Long, purchaseToken: String, purchaseState: RevenueCatPurchaseState, isAutoRenewing: Boolean?, signature: String?, originalJson: JSONObject, presentedOfferingIdentifier: String?, storeUserID: String?, purchaseType: PurchaseType) : Parcelable

Represents an in-app billing purchase.

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enum PurchaseType : Enum<PurchaseType>
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enum RevenueCatPurchaseState : Enum<RevenueCatPurchaseState>
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data class Transaction(revenuecatId: String, productId: String, purchaseDate: Date) : Parcelable


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val ProductDetails.skuDetails: SkuDetails

Returns the original SkuDetails that was used to build the ProductDetails object.