Package-level declarations


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Enum mapping billing feature types Allows for a common interface when calling feature eligibility methods from hybrid SDKs

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Enum of possible replacement modes to be passed to a Google Play purchase. Ignored for Amazon purchases.

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data class GoogleSubscriptionOption @JvmOverloads constructor(val productId: String, val basePlanId: String, val offerId: String?, val pricingPhases: List<PricingPhase>, val tags: List<String>, val productDetails: ProductDetails, val offerToken: String, val presentedOfferingContext: PresentedOfferingContext? = null) : SubscriptionOption

Defines an option for purchasing a Google subscription

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Enum mapping in-app message types

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Payment mode for offer pricing phases

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data class Period(val value: Int, val unit: Period.Unit, val iso8601: String) : Parcelable

Represents subscription or PricingPhase billing period

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data class Price(val formatted: String, val amountMicros: Long, val currencyCode: String) : Parcelable
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data class PricingPhase(val billingPeriod: Period, val recurrenceMode: RecurrenceMode, val billingCycleCount: Int?, val price: Price) : Parcelable

Encapsulates how a user pays for a subscription at a given point in time.

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interface PurchasingData
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A type which exposes its underlying raw data, for debugging purposes or for getting access to future data while using an older version of the SDK.

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Recurrence mode for a pricing phase

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interface StoreProduct

Represents an in-app product's or subscription's listing details.

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data class StoreTransaction(val orderId: String?, val productIds: List<String>, val type: ProductType, val purchaseTime: Long, val purchaseToken: String, val purchaseState: PurchaseState, val isAutoRenewing: Boolean?, val signature: String?, val originalJson: JSONObject, val presentedOfferingContext: PresentedOfferingContext?, val storeUserID: String?, val purchaseType: PurchaseType, val marketplace: String?, val subscriptionOptionId: String?, val replacementMode: ReplacementMode?) : Parcelable

Represents an in-app billing purchase.

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A purchase-able entity for a subscription product.

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data class TestStoreProduct(val id: String, val name: String, val title: String, val description: String, val price: Price, val period: Period?, freeTrialPeriod: Period? = null, introPrice: Price? = null) : StoreProduct

A test-only StoreProduct implementation. This can be used to create mock data for tests or Jetpack Compose previews.

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data class Transaction(val transactionIdentifier: String, revenuecatId: String, val productIdentifier: String, productId: String, val purchaseDate: Date) : Parcelable


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StoreProduct object containing Google-specific fields: productId basePlanId productDetails